Tuesday, January 19, 2010


I am unsure about this project but I suppose I should just go ahead and jump in with both feet. Thinking about things that are important to me, I would be interested in exploring more about creative writing. I was an English major as an Undergrad, with my concentration being creative writing. But also, I would be interested in exploring the publishing of creative writing, particularly for young adults and possibly the idea of kids as authors. I've seen books published that were writting by kids. The track I am on in the SLIS program is Media Specialist. I really enjoy working with young people and really want to work in a high school library. I am certain that exploring this topic will be beneficial down the road when students come to the library to find out more about writing and publishing. I think that one of the AASL standards that applies to this is 4.1.8, "Use creative and artistic formats to express personal learning." Also, I believe that 1.1.2 also applies, "Use prior and background knowledge as context for new learning."

1 comment:

  1. You've got a great start on your blog.

    Have fun - Annette :-)
