Monday, February 8, 2010

Personal Connection

My personal approach to inquiry before starting this project is probably close to the same as it was during this project. First, I found a topic I wanted to learn more about, and then I looked in the IUCAT for sources. I did use Google a little but since starting graduate school, I've found myself relying less on Google and trying more to find sources that are considered more reliable--books and journal articles. As an undergraduate, I would use Google a lot to find information or to help find information. That information usually came fast, and there was usually more than I could even dream of sifting through in the amount of time I had to complete any given assignment.

However, during this process, finding information in journals was a lot more difficult than in prior semesters. I did find an article that was listed in IUCAT as an electronic source. I did refer to the standards which I've only used the language arts standards for 9th graders once, while I was an undergraduate working on a lesson plan for an English class, which was a final project for the class. I think I'm starting to use the library resources more than I used to--asking for help is not a bad thing to do.  :)

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