Monday, February 1, 2010


When I searched, "kids are authors," one particular website popped out at Scholastic Book Fairs hosts an annual competition for Grades K-8 designed for kids encouraging them to use their creative skills to create their own book. The link to this website is

A couple of other promising sites are:

As far as publishing books for young adults, I'm still kind of wondering where to go with it. I've been searching but so far I haven't found a whole lot besides what I've already mentioned. I did find, using IUPUI's catalog, a book titled, Publishers Directory but it isn't available on this campus--I have to request it from another IU library but when I tried to put in the request for the more recent editions, I kept getting a message that the item does not qualify for hold. I was able, however, to successfully request the 5th edition (1984). Within IUPUI's reference section, there is a book titled, Literary Market Place. It gives information for different publishing companies, including e-mail addresses, but if a person is unsure which company is the best one to meet their needs, I'm not sure how useful this book is since it's like the yellow pages--lists names of the companies with contact information and a little bit about the company.

So far, I have not found any useful journal articles within any of IUPUI's databases.

Anyone have any ideas?

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