Tuesday, February 2, 2010


I contacted someone in the IUPUI Unversity Library this evening to find out if the main library houses any resources on publishing. I used the Ask a librarian chat function as my medium. In response to my inquiry, "Rosie" told me that resources can be found on the 4th floor in the stacks, Z551 - 656. I asked about other types of sources but I had to leave an offline message.

I've been contacted by a couple of publsing companies I've looked into but they are basically self-publishing companies who provide assitance to publish a manuscript without the use of an agent. The fees vary depending on services requested and number of copies requested.

Right now Im feeling a bit frustrated and overwhelmed by this project. I feel like I'm not finding enough information to meet the requirements for this assignment and there isn't enough time to keep digging, especially since I have to budget my time between other assignments for this class, another class, and I also have work.

Anyone have any thoughts or suggestions they care to share?

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