Saturday, February 6, 2010


I am working on sorting through all of the book material that I found using an evaluation tool I found on Purdue University's website and bookmarked on the delicious website.


What was really interesting in one of the books titled, Publishing With Students: a Comprehensive Guide by Chris Weber was that when "publishing" students' work, you don't necessarily have to go through a publishing company. Teachers can scan pictures, edit the story for grammar, and make the books themselves. Also, there are different styles for publishing the books other than the standard style--there is the accordion book, the fan book, and the flag book. And kids love to see their work in book form.

Also, there are websites for publishing kids work. As I mentioned before, Scholastic has a contest for students to submit their work for publishing called, "Kids Are Authors." The resource library for the School of Education at IUPUI has several of these books, which I am including a few pictures of in the PowerPoint Presentation I am in the process of putting together.

This project has taken me a lot more time that I would have thought it would and I am still trying to piece all of the information I have gathered into something that is going to make sense to others.

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